You describe the property step by step

Be as precise as possible when putting all the required information into our valuation tool.

The information about your property is analysed

We compare the location and features of your property with similar properties to come up with a value.

You receive a property valuation shortly afterwards by email

A little after that, we send you a bespoke report on our findings, with no obligation and free of charge.

Receive a valuation – how does it work?

Well, it’s entirely up to you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have or perform a more detailed valuation.

Exact estimate for you

Immediate purchase price calculation online, free of charge

Address, size, age of building, furnishings We need a few details about the property to give a price. We assess the information that you enter into the online tool on the basis of key factors, which enable us to provide you with a definitive figure. Our method of comparison with equivalent properties and our industry knowledge of supply and demand have proven their worth.

This brief analysis gives you a realistic idea of a plausible purchase price. That way, you avoid the risk of not achieving the best price, or indeed deterring potential buyers with an excessive price.

We are also happy to provide a precise valuation for you based on all the details of the property. The expertise of our specialists thus works to your advantage when you come to sell.

If you have any questions about our brief analysis option or other details, you have come to the right place. Just call or drop us a line. We look forward to talking to you in person.

You can reach us at the telephone number
030 - 30 32 86 68 0 or via E-Mail:


„Our brief analysis option offers all sorts of benefits. You get an initial idea of how much your property is worth. If you want to find out more, feel free to contact us by phone or email. Our team of experts will be happy to help and provide you with the advice you need.“

Alexander Reiche, Steffen & Co. Commercial